TG and DSC are two different thermal analysis methods, and some of you are asking what type of crucible should I choose if I measure TG and DSC? To answer this question, we must first clarify what TG and DSC are.

Thermogravimetry Analysis (TGA) is a method of measuring the mass of a substance as a function of temperature or time at a programmed controlled temperature.

By analyzing the thermogravimetric curve, we can know information about the composition of the sample and its possible intermediates, thermal stability, thermal decomposition, and the products generated by the mass. Applications of thermogravimetric analysis are mainly in metal alloys, geology, polymer materials research, pharmaceutical research, etc.

Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) is a thermal analysis method that measures the power difference between the input sample and the reference material about the temperature under programmed temperature control conditions.

DSC and TGA crucibles

Before conducting a thermal analysis test, you need to choose a suitable crucible to do the test. Choose a suitable crucible can make the test results more accurate, so we can more easily get the material properties through the data, save the test time and experimental cost, etc.

What type of crucible should I choose if I measure TG and DSC? The most intuitive way is to see what is the temperature of the experiment.

Crucible material: Usually, you should choose inert materials that have no reactivity or catalytic activity to the specimen, intermediate products, final products, and atmosphere, such as Al, Al2O3, etc.

For example, if the test temperature is below 600 degrees, you can choose an Al crucible for testing, which is generally used for medium and low-temperature DSC testing.

If testing at high temperatures is required, Al2O3 crucibles can be choosed for testing, which has a much wide testing temperature range and can be used for ambient use up to 1650°C.

In addition, platinum crucibles are also commonly used for TGA testing or simultaneous DSC testing. Platinum crucibles can test up to 1600°C. Note that metal samples may form eutectic alloys with the platinum crucible and may melt through the crucible.

If you need to purchase aluminum, alumina, or platinum crucibles for DSC or TGA, please contact us as we are a professional and comprehensive supplier of crucibles for thermal analysis.