The common alumina ceramic tubes on the market can be classified according to the alumina content; 75% alumina tubes, 85% alumina tubes, 95% alumina tubes and 99% alumina tubes.

75% and 85% alumina tubes are also called high alumina tubes, 95% and 99% alumina tubes are called corundum tubes.
75% alumina tubes is usually said to be ceramic sticks. The alumina tubes by extrusion into shape, mainly used in the production of ceramic tiles for transmission, firing temperature is generally 1550 degrees.
85%, 95% and 99% aluminum oxide tubes are injection molding, after drying, playing touch, in drying, loading kiln firing.
85% tubes are firing temperature is generally 1620 degrees.
95% tubes are firing temperature is generally 1650 degrees -1680 degrees.
99% tubes are firing temperature is generally 1760 degrees – 1830 degrees.

Aluminum oxide tube applications
Furnace lining tubes
Protection tube
Thermocouple protection tube
RTD (resistance thermocouple device)
Electrical isolation insulators
Gas laser tube
High temperature electrical insulators
Abrasion resistant pipe and elbow lining

Aluminum oxide tubes available types
Single hole
Double hole
Closed and open

If you need to purchase alumina tubes or order special sizes of alumina tubes, please visit our webiste