Energy-bearing materials are broadly defined as a class of substances that contain a large amount of releasable chemical energy, and the main categories include launch charges, propellants, explosives, pyrotechnics, etc. Narrowly speaking, energy-containing materials refer to substances containing fuels and oxidizers that can independently carry out rapid chemical reactions and release energy, which can be roughly summarized by the term pyrotechnics.


However, with the development of science and technology, more and more new energy-containing substances or complexes have been discovered and are gradually included in the category of energy-containing materials. Therefore, energy-containing materials can be defined as a class of compounds or mixtures that contain explosive groups or contain oxidants and combustibles that can independently perform chemical reactions and output energy.


The application of thermal analysis techniques in the study of energy-containing materials is very common, but due to their flammability and explosiveness, high gas generation and high energy characteristics, the following two aspects must be controlled during the testing process.

1) the amount of sample.

2) the test conditions, such as the rate of temperature rise, test atmosphere and crucible type.


If not properly controlled, these results can easily lead to the following.

  • chemical reaction between the sample analysis product and the aluminum crucible.
  • contamination of the instrument by products from the reaction between the sample analysis product and the aluminum crucible.

3) the DSC test of a new energy-containing material and the explosion of a common aluminum crucible.


Ceramic Parts India Inc. is a professional supplier of crucibles for thermal analysis, please feel free to contact us if you need thermal analysis consumables.