Thermal analysis is a class of techniques that measure the relationship between the physical properties of a substance and its temperature under program-controlled temperature conditions.


The technique consists of three aspects:

1, the substance is subjected to programmed temperature control, which usually means that it is warmed (cooled) at a certain rate.

2, a physical quantity to be selected for measurement, which can be thermal, mechanical, acoustic, optical, as well as electrical and magnetic. 3, to measure the relationship between the physical quantity and the temperature.


Matter undergoes various physical and chemical changes during the heat process, and various thermal analysis methods are available to track such changes. The following figure lists the classification of thermal analysis methods according to the physical properties measured. Differential thermal analysis (DTA) and thermogravimetric analysis (TG) have the longest history and are the most widely used; differential thermogravimetric analysis (DTG) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) have also been developed more rapidly in recent years.

Classification of thermal analysis methods
Physical Properties Methods Abbreviations Physical Properties Method
Quality Thermogravimetric method TG Mechanical thermal properties Mechanical thermal analysis
Thermal conductivity method DTG Acoustic properties Thermal vocalization method
Fugitive gas detection method EGD Thermal vocalization method
Temperature Differential Heat Analysis DTA Optical properties Thermo-optical method
Calories Differential Scanning Calorimetry DSC Electrical Characteristics Thermoelectric method
Size Thermal expansion method TD Magnetic properties Thermomagnetism method

Ceramic Parts India Inc. is a professional supplier of crucibles for thermal analysis(TA, PerkinElmer, Netzsch, Shimadzu, Mettler, Netzsch, Setaram, Linseis), please feel free to contact us if you need thermal analysis consumables.