The rate of warming has an obvious effect on the results of thermal analysis experiments, some reactions are greatly affected by temperature, to see the change with temperature, so the rate should be well grasped, the following is a comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of fast and slow warming.


Rapid temperature rise.


1)The reaction will be pushed in the high temperature region at a faster rate, that is, not only to make the DSC curve of the peak temperature Tp rise, and the peak amplitude becomes narrower, a sharp peak, DSC peak shape is larger.


2)For a certain reaction of a specimen represented by a TG, DSC curve, increasing the rate of temperature rise is usually to make the reaction start temperature Ti, peak temperature Tp and termination temperature Tf increase. The rapid ramp-up makes the reaction go to a higher temperature before it has time to proceed, and the assembly reaction lags.



1) Large temperature gradient within the sample.

2) Drift of the measured characteristic temperature toward higher temperatures.

3) Reduced separation of adjacent peaks or weight loss steps.


Slow warming.


1) more uniform temperature inside the sample.

2) facilitates the separation of adjacent peaks or adjacent real weight platforms.

Disadvantages: Smaller DSC or DTA peak shape.


The most commonly used ramp-up speed in the field of thermal analysis is 10K/min.

Ceramic Parts India Inc. is a professional supplier of crucibles for thermal analysis(TA, PerkinElmer, Netzsch, Shimadzu, Mettler, Netzsch, Setaram, Linseis), please feel free to contact us if you need thermal analysis consumables.