Muffle furnace is commonly used heating equipment, generally used in laboratories, industrial and mining enterprises, scientific research units, and other units, to do elemental analysis and determination, sintering and dissolution and analysis of ceramics, precision annealing and micro crystallization of glass, precision annealing of crystals, ceramic glaze preparation, powder metallurgy, sintering of nano-materials, metal parts quenching, annealing, tempering and other heat treatment that requires rapid temperature rise process requirement

alumina ceramic boats

Then you know that the muffle furnace can be directly opened in the case of high temperature? This operation is not feasible, the reasons are as below:
1, High-temperature conditions open muffle furnace, the operator is easy to be scalded and hot gas radiation.
2, High-temperature state punch card muffle furnace, will make the furnace hall insulation material has cracks, shortening the service life of the muffle furnace.
3, High-temperature state punch card muffle furnace, will make the furnace chamber temperature drops rapidly, such a large temperature difference will damage the heating element.
So it is not recommended go to open the muffle furnace in the case of high temperature.

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