Tube furnace is a type of furnace that can be both vacuum and atmosphere, usually, the atmosphere is for the experimental materials for atmosphere protection.
It is mainly used in various industrial and mining enterprises, scientific research unit laboratories, laboratory heating, heat treatment, is a variety of laboratory instruments and equipment.

Then you know what kind of working environment and operating requirements the tube furnace needs?
1. tube furnace is generally placed indoors, and the indoor temperature should be less than 40 degrees, relative humidity of less than 85% RH.

2. The surrounding of the tube furnace should not have conductive dust, flammable and explosive objects, and gases, as well as corrosive gases that seriously damage metals.

3. The tube furnace should be installed smoothly on the ground to ensure that there is no vibration and bumps.

4. Check at least once a week that the connections in the electrical system are in good contact. Also frequently check the heating element situation, if aging, fracture, or short circuit should be repaired and replaced promptly.

5. specific operation process, by the rated temperature of the tube furnace to use, not over temperature and overload operation.

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6. strictly prevent the sudden increase in temperature and power outage emergency cooling, so as not to damage the furnace chamber and electric heating wire.

7. containing high moisture, containing volatiles, organic materials, and other materials can not use the tube furnace to do experiments.

8.Before the start of each experiment, the furnace should be cleaned up before the experimental residues and other impurities to keep the furnace clean.

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